

Thumbnail Sketches: I have found much success in the regular practice of drawing small thumbnail sketches before starting a painting. I encourage you to do the same, I believe it will be very helpful. I have included two videos of drawing thumbnail sketches. One is more detailed than the other. At times, I like to put more work into the sketch, others are just large shapes and not much detail. It's completely up to you, either way, it's good practice! I've placed a downloadable image of each sketch for you below each video and the supply list of everything from my free course "Back to the Drawing Board". These supplies are not mandatory for this painting, but helpful and really fun to use!!

If you want to know all about my supplies I use while sketching, go take take the free course on drawing supplies and listen to me explain all of them.

"Back to the Drawing Board: at

You can also view the list of supplies here on the site and download the supply list below.

Supplies for Thumbnail Sketches 2024.pdf
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